
2023高雄國際夏令營-2023 Kaohsiung International Summer Camp 報名開始!

發布日期: 2023-06-07

  1. 活動內容:為強化高雄與國際交流,本處舉辦「2023高雄國際夏令營」,邀請國際城市之大學生與在地大學生共同透過城市遊覽、實地參訪及交流活動等內容,體驗高雄人文風情、深度認識本市特色與建設成果並促進友好情誼,為未來更多城市間的往來合作建立基礎。
  2. 活動期間:2023年8月6日(日)~8月11日(五),共計6天5夜。
  3. 招募對象:具備流利英語溝通能力之大專院校學生(須設籍於高雄市或就讀高雄市大專院校之學生)。
  4. 報名期間:即日起至7月7日止(或額滿為止)。
  5. 主辦單位將全額負擔夏令營期間之相關費用(含:住宿費、餐費、交通費、課程費、活動保險等),個人消費則不在此限。
  6. 詳細資訊請參照活動報名簡章,或撥洽詢專線:(07)3596536楊小姐(週一至週五10:00-18:00)。

In order to strengthen the substantive exchanges between Kaohsiung city and our sister, friendly, and partner cities, and international cities with interactive potential, through this summer camp, we plan to invite university students from target cities to communicate with Kaohsiung university students to promote friendship. The three main axes of the summer camp are "experiencing Kaohsiung city characteristics," "understanding industrial construction,” and "promoting youth interaction." The on-site visits to experience Kaohsiung's cultural customs and the in-depth understanding of the city's characteristics and construction achievements will establish a foundation for more exchanges and cooperation between cities in the future.

  1. Activity period: August 6 (Sun) ~ August 11(Fri), 2023, a total of 6 days and 5 nights.
  2. Recruitment target: University/college students from Sister, Friendly, and Partner City.
  3. Registration period: from now until July 7 (or until the quota is full).
  4. The organizer will bear the relevant expenses during the summer camp (including: accommodation, meals, local transportation, course fees, event insurance, etc.), while personal expenses are excluded.
  5. For detailed information, please refer to the activity registration guide, or call: 886-7-3596536 Ms. Yang (Monday to Friday 10:00-18:00).



  • 2023高雄國際夏令營報名簡章2023高雄國際夏令營報名簡章2023高雄國際夏令營報名簡章2023高雄國際夏令營報名簡章更新日期:2023/06/14
  • 2023 Kaohsiung International Summer Camp-Registration Information and Application Form2023 Kaohsiung International Summer Camp-Registration Information and Application Form2023 Kaohsiung International Summer Camp-Registration Information and Application Form2023 Kaohsiung International Summer Camp-Registration Information and Application Form更新日期:2023/06/14